brief online
brief online

The King's new clothes, that is how to achieve a ROAS of 546% within the sixth month of collaboration
- Bluerank & Mokida

Mokida.com is an online multibrand store that carries a full range of products for the little ones. It focuses primarily on quality in the products it sells. Thanks to effective cooperation both with the client and within the team, as well as openness to new solutions - it has managed to achieve a return on investment of 546% in 6 months.


  • Unfamiliarity of the brand in the market among potential customers,
  • Lack of trust in the new brand by consumers,
  • Highly developed market competition in the children's clothing and toys branch in Poland,
  • Difficult macroeconomic conditions in Poland at the time of the launch - rising inflation in Poland, the war in Ukraine were not conducive to Poles' purchasing decisions - GfK's Consumer Sentiment Barometer, a synthetic index illustrating Poles' current sentiment on consumer attitudes, stood at 20.3 in August 2022 - the lowest measurement since March 2020 (the start of the pandemic)*,
  • Limited media budget for advertising activities in Google Ads and Facebook Ads,
  • The client's priority at the start is to maximize profit, so the need for advertising activities primarily focused on generating revenue,
  • A domain without an extensive link profile and zero organic visibility.

*https://www.portalspozywczy.pl/handel/wiadomosci/gfk-nastroje-polskich-konsumentow-we-wrzesniu-jeszcze-gorsze,214550.html, [access: 20.04.2023] 

Strategy and implementation

Develop all stages of the Customer Journey using available promotional instruments (SEO, Social Ads, Google Ads),

Target market analysis - competitive research,

Exploring the potential of specific product categories and bringing traffic to those with the highest sales potential,

Synergize the cooperation of those responsible for different areas of the project,

Testing different types of advertising campaigns to find optimal solutions,

Building organic visibility of the website through content, link building and technical SEO activities.


We developed each stage of the Customer Journey by appropriately leveraging specific audience lists in Google Ads through the use of custom audience lists, both in the context of building reach among new users (e.g., people searching for pants for a child in Google search) and remarketing lists (people who visited sub-pages with specific product categories) to encourage the purchase of users who were already initially interested in shopping at the mokida.com.

We used Facebook Ads as an instrument mainly to build awareness of the MOKIDA brand among potential consumers (see stage and think Customer Journey stage). At the see stage, it was mainly through prospecting campaigns in which the audience groups were parents with specific interests (e.g. children's clothes, toys, etc.). The purpose of these campaigns was primarily to increase brand recognition among potential customers, build reach and bring valuable user traffic to the site. In the next stage, we also worked through sales campaigns using remarketing groups. In these campaigns, we focused on promoting specific product categories and boosting sales during selected discount campaigns.

In addition, we created and published articles on external portals to build the site's link profile and reach new users. We also strengthened signals for indexing robots by updating the global elements of title, meta description and first-level headings. We audited the site for SEO, prepared a list of key technical implementations, and implemented product category descriptions using relevant key phrases. A blog and advice section increases organic visibility and develops the see, think and care stages of the customer path. We also prepared recommendations to support the client in building a brand strategy.


ROAS at 546% in the sixth month of cooperation
Regular growth in transactions and revenues while reducing the media budget


Source: Google Analytics


Source: Google Analytics


Increase in organic visibility for key phrases in the TOP 50 search engine results pages (SERPs)


Source: Senuto tool